02:22:52 pm on
Monday 10 Mar 2025

Internet Radio
Matt Seinberg

I remember visiting my uncle in Portland, Oregon about fifteen years ago and missing home. I was very happy when I could get on his computer and listen to New York City radio via the internet. I listened mostly to WPLJ-FM and Z100, when they were actually interesting.

With my Samsung Galaxy S4, music is wherever I am.

Today, you can listen to pretty much anything, anywhere through the little computers we carry in our pockets, better known as cell phones or MP3 players with WiFi capability. When I got my iPod Touch about five years ago, I downloaded as many radio apps I could.

Now. that I have my Samsung Galaxy S4, my music is anywhere I want it to be, either on WiFi or the T-Mobile data network. The best part is, T-Mobile no longer charges my account for many music-streaming services, such as iHeartradio, Samsung Milk Music, Slacker, Pandora and Spotify. There’s no charge for this music, no matter where I am with my phone. Just let me plug in my ear buds, and I'm a happy camper.

A few years ago, my long time air check friend, Russ Horton, was involved with an Internet radio station out of England, called Radio Samantha. Brian Young, a nice, young bloke ran Radio Samantha. Russ put Brian and me together; a great friendship was born. I did a weekly one-hour show, with any music of my choosing. I did Classic Rock, Cool Jazz, Country and my personal favorite, One Hit Wonders.

A one-hour show doesn't take an hour to create.

Naturally I didn't do these live, but recorded them in real time from my basement studio. I recorded everything into Adobe Audition 3. The music and imaging came from OTS Turntables and my mic from the Behringer mixing board. A one-hour show doesn't take one hour to do.

Preparation time for putting the show together was an hour, recording was another hour, and then editing, saving and uploading was 30-to-60 minutes. I did these shows for about 4 years, and told Brian I was done. I no longer had the time and, quite honestly, I was bored.

Samantha hung on for a little while longer, but Brian eventually took the station down for various reasons, including music licensing fees and his own health. Thank you Brian, for letting me do my thing and having fun, at the same time!

Russ created his own Internet radio station.


After Radio Samantha went quiet, Russ decided to create his own Internet radio station and d-moos.com was born. Talk about playing and doing whatever he wants! Russ knows more about music and radio than do most people doing it professionally on terrestrial radio, today.

We started talking about me doing some sort of show on d-moos. One day when I had the mic set up, I cut him some quiet liners. It took three tries, but he finally got it saved and listened to them. As of next week, my voice will be on d-moos. How cool is that?

I just got off the phone with Russ and he wants me to produce a show for him. I told him the most I could do was a one-hour show; could I use some of his music library? Sure, no problem, I set up a d-moos Dropbox folder, so some music should be coming my way very soon. I have plenty of my own, but producing a weekly show required a lot of music and I no longer want to download anything illegally into my new computer if I can help it.

The name of the new show will be "The Magic Room from New York hosted by Magic Matt Craig." Now I just have to remember how I actually hooked everything up here.

Stay tuned for your favorite music and check out www.d-moos.com!

Matt Seinberg lives on Long Island, a few minutes east of New York City. He looks at everything around him and notices much. Somewhat less cynical than dyed in the wool New Yorkers, Seinberg believes those who don't see what he does like reading about what he sees and what it means to him. Seinberg columns revel in the silly little things of life and laughter as well as much well-directed anger at inept, foolish public officials. Mostly, Seinberg writes for those who laugh easily at their own foibles as well as those of others.

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