02:29:49 am on
Tuesday 18 Feb 2025

Write for Us
Streeter Click

Click here to read the Content Submission Guidelines

GrubStreet.ca is an on-line site where new ideas flourish and older ideas may get a second wind. GrubStreet.ca aims to be the destination of choice for opinions, comments, analyses, commentaries and reviews that expand-on and influence social life and social relations, across the world, as well as new, short fiction.

Click here for more about mission of GrubStreet.ca GrubStreet.ca is for readers, writers and other thinkers. Site distractions are minimal. Advertising, if any, is grubstreet.ca doing a favour for its contributors or patrons.

GrubStreet.ca encourages submission of opinion, op-ed and comment articles as well as analyses and reviews of all sorts, movies, music, books or television, and short fiction. Submissions of roughly 750 words are recommended. Fiction submissions may be 3,000 words or longer. Please read the Content Submission Guidelines, then submit your words to the editor.

Actively consider these guidelines for writing, from the Kansas City "Star," circa 1918. “Use short sentences. Use short paragraphs. Use vigorous English. Be positive, not negative.” Also, show, that is use example, only tell.

Be clear, GrubStreet.ca doesn't have to agree with your ideas to post your writing. Yes, GrubStreet.ca is a liberal, middle of the road site, but we post ideas quite contrary to our own. Stay with us and see. As repeated elsewhere on the site, we hope to air a range of ideas, not just our own. The only ideas not accepted involve pornography, promulgation of hate and the advocacy of violence. See the Content Submission Guidelines.

All submissions are read, as promptly as possible, which can mean up to four weeks. If you haven't heard from us in a month, query the editor. If GrubStreet.ca publishes your submission, we'll try to e-mail notify you prior to posting.

We expect writers to promote their own articles published on GrubStreet.ca. Build links to your article on other web sites, for example. Mention your article on blog comments and so forth.

GrubStreet.ca invites everybody to share their ideas with our readers. Read the site, yourself. Wonder about the ideas you read. Mull these ideas. Decide what you think. Coming up with your own ideas is always best, and the most fun. Then tell us about your ideas.

Any relevant topic is okay; contemporary or historical; fact or fiction. No advocacy of hate, violence or unlawful acts. Appreciate the difference between explaining and promoting. Do a lot of the former and none of the latter, when it comes to hate, violence or unlawful acts.

Write 750 words; more, if you wish. The only limit is common sense. What needs to be stated to make your point? Submissions should be as long as necessary and as short as possible.

GrubStreet.ca will help you express yourself. Draft your idea, e-mail to the editor and we'll take it from there. If it needs work, we'll get to it, asap, and let you see the revisions before we post, if you like. If you don't like how it turns out, tell us and we'll pull it, asap.

If you can't type, write. Don't like pens, use a pencil or crayons. If you prefer not to write, record and send us a MP3 or wav file. Call, if you don't wanna record or write, and we'll try to arrange phone dictation. GrubStreet.ca readers want to know about your ideas, and we'll do everything we can to ensure they do.

Think and write to be read. Read your submission out loud before e-mailing it to us. That's old advice, and it works. Relatively brief sentences are a good idea, and one idea per brief paragraph. You've got stuff to say, valid comments to offer and insights to share. Do it! We'll post it or help you make it postable. You must put your name on your words; this is not a blog, so no aliases.

Fee for writers: the eternal gratitude of GrubStreet.ca readers. If you need a tangible reward for writing, we'll take our cue from Dick Summer. Summer awards his listeners, who correctly answer a skill testing question, a scoop of peanut butter; if the question is especially hard, he makes it nutty peanut butter. GrubStreet.cawill include a spoon, plastic, of course, this is a low-budget website, to hold your scoop of peanut butter.

To paraphrase Jack Kerouac, go forth and get writing.

Streeter Click is editor of GrubStreet.ca.

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